Flabellina telja from Mexico
November 18, 2005
From: Alicia Hermosillo

Dear Bill,
Here are some photos of Flabellina telja. This was the most abundant Flabellina in the Bay during with a major population boom in 2002 along the coast. This peak however, has not happened again.
Locality: Los Arcos Islets, Puerto Vallata, Bahia de Banderas, Mexico. Eastern Pacific. Depth: 35 feet. Length: 5 to 12 mm. 5,8 and 29 January 2004. On rocks and walls. Upper photo: 2 animals mating. Lower left: pale white rhinophores. Lower right: Reddish rhinophores, and egg ribbon. Photographer: Alicia Hermosillo
The rhinophores can be yellow, brown or pink. The body color varies from a very pale to a bright pink. The cores of the cerata also vary in color.
Kind regards,

Dear Ali,
Thanks for this useful addition to the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman