Bornella calcarata from Utila, Honduras
December 1, 2005
From: Les Wilk

Hi Bill;
Here's a Bornella calcarata from a cave in Utila (Honduras). So far, the only one we've encountered.
Locality: Utila, Honduras, Caribbean . Depth: 30 feet. Length: 1 inch. July 2000. cave, rocky/fibrous bottom. Photographer: Keri Wilk
Keri Wilk
Wilk, L., 2005 (Dec 1) Bornella calcarata from Utila, Honduras. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Les,
I guess all the animals I have as Bornella calcarata on the Forum are the same species. They certainly show quite a variation in colour pattern but there seem to be traces of a white or yellow median line down the dorsum which forks out onto the rhinophores in all the photos. One thing your animal lacks though, are the numerous gills on each ceras so visible in the other photos. Perhaps your animal was feeling nervous and had them contracted?Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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