Babakina festiva from Brazil
December 6, 2005
From: Vinicius Padula

Dear Bill,
I send to the Forum photos of Brazilian Babakina festiva and details of radula and jaw. The Brazilian colour form is very similar to the animals found in the Bahamas and illustrated in Colin Redfern´s book.
As you said on the Babakina caprinsulensis page it´s doubtful if all geographic forms find in California, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Bahamas and now in Brazil are the same species. Maybe Caribbean and Brazilian animals are a another species. New anatomical and molecular studies are necessary to confirm the real identification of this group.
Photos of 17 mm specimen collected in 1m at Praia das Conchas, Rio de Janeiro on September 26, 2004. A: live (by Vinicius Padula). B, C: SEM of radula. Scale bar - 50 µm. D:drawing of jaw, Scale bar - 0.5 mm (by Vinicius Padula).
Padula, V. & Absalão, R.S. (2005) Primeiro registro de Babakina festiva (Roller, 1972)(Mollusca: Nudibranchia) no Atlântico Sul. Biociências, 13(1): 99-101.
Best wishes,
Vinicius Padula
Padula, V., 2005 (Dec 6) Babakina festiva from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Padula,
Thanks for this interesting addition to our knowledge of this 'species'. What I said before was not that I was doubtful but rather that 'It is possible that all these are geographic variants of a single species'. Although the apparent difference between your brightly coloured animal and the relatively dull New Zealand 'species', they all show traces of the same colour pattern, and all have the strange rhinophores on a combined stalk. Perhaps something in their biology has made them able to 'hitchhike' around the world like so many polycerids have.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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