Nudibranch ? from Spain
January 19, 2006
From: Marga Iglesias

Dear Dr. Rudman,
I am writing to you because I am a nudibranch lover after diving for many years. I am a passionate reader of your marine guides but, unfortunately I haven´t been able to identify a particular specimen that I found last October. I would be really pleased if you could tell me which one this is.
Locality: Cabo de Gata (Almeria), SPAIN. Mediterranean coast: Depth: 1 metre. Length: 30-40 mm. 11 October 2005. Intertidal. Photographer: Marga Iglesias
Thank you very much in advance and all my compliments to you and your forum colleagues. It has been a real joy to know of you through Internet.
Happy new year to you all from Spain!!
Yours sincerely
Marga Iglesias
Iglesias, marga, 2006 (Jan 19) Nudibranch ? from Spain. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Marga,
It certainly looks colourful enough to be a nudibranch, but I am pretty sure this is a snail which has covered its shell with a layer of skin, and so looks like a slug. I could be wrong but I think this is a velutinid. They certainly look like snails if you turn them over and look at their head and foot, but one way you can identify them from above is the single siphon [or funnel] at the front of the body which carries water down to the gill. I have ringed what I think is the siphon in the close-up alongside. It is possibly a species of Lamellaria
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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