Unknown elysiid from Nthn Mariana Ids
February 8, 2006
From: Takao Urasawa

Dr Rudman
I saw this elysiid last July and again a few days ago. One feature is the purple line in the vicinity of the neck.
Locality: Laulau Beach, Saipan, Nothern Mariana Islands. Pacific Ocean. Depth: 10 m. Length: 10 mm. 26 july 2005. Photographer: Takao Urasawa
Please help to identify it.
My best regards.
Takao Urasawa
Dear Takao,
The purple line across the 'neck' and the pair of thin purple lines along the edge of the parapodia are certainly very distinctive. It could well be a species of Thuridilla but I don't recognise it. Hopefully someone can help us with an identification
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman