Thuridilla vatae from Vanuatu
February 18, 2000
From: Vinka Stenhouse
Dear Bill,
This one is from, Espiritu Santo Is., Vanuatu, 1997. It was found at Low tide in 30cm water, 0.9cm long.
Yours sincerely,
Vinka Stenhouse.
Dear Vinka,
This is another species of the colourful elysiid genus Thuridilla. It is Thuridilla vatae and when I get time I will post some more photos of it from New Caledonia where Risbec first found it.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Feb 18). Comment on Thuridilla vatae from Vanuatu by Vinka Stenhouse. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Thuridilla vatae from Reunion Island
From: Hugues Flodrops, February 7, 2008 -
Thuridilla vatae found sthn Queensland
From: Gary Cobb, September 5, 2007 -
Thuridilla vatae and egg ribbon
From: Scott Johnson, July 11, 2002