Korean Adalaria proxima feeding
February 11, 2006
From: Dong Bum Koh

Dear Bill,
Here are photos what I think is Adalaria proxima with its food from South Korea.
Locality: Ul Jin, Gyung Book Prov., Korea, East Sea. Depth: 22 m, Length: Approx. 10 mm. 05 Feb. 2006. with Food(?). Photographer: Ok Soo Kim
Best regards,
Dong Bum Koh
D.B.Koh, 2006 (Feb 11) Korean Adalaria proxima feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15764
Dear Koh,
Thanks very much for this record. Your animal certainly looks like what is identified in the Nth Pacific as Adalaria proxima but I can't find a reference to anyone actually checking out its anatomy to confirm the identification, If someone has a reference I would be grateful. It certainly has the 'starburst' arrangement of spicules at the base which are considered characteristic of the species. If it is A. proxima, I think this is the first record from Korea. I note that Rie Nakano (2004) records it from Japan.
Perhaps Sandra Millen, who has studied these animals in some detail from the Nth Pacific has a comment to make?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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