Unidentified dorid from Capetown, Sth Africa [1]
February 13, 2006
From: Andrew Taylor

Hi Bill
Found these three [see also #15814; #15815] off the Atlantic seabord in Cape Town (between Hout Bay and Sandy Bay ) Depth was around 30m , sandy bottom with granite outcrops covered with sponges , soft corals and various algae .None of our local experts seem to be able to help with an ID.
Locality: Cape Town, 30m, Western Cape, Atlantic coast, 21 January 2006, Sandy bottom , rocky outcrops. Length: 25mm. Photographer: Andrew Taylor
Safe Diving
Taylor, A.D., 2006 (Feb 13) Unidentified dorid from Capetown, Sth Africa [1]. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15813Dear Andrew,
In future can you split messages with 3 different species into 3 separate messages. It saves me a lot of time and allows me to arrange species more logically on the Forum.
I must say the egg ribbon on the bottom left of your photo is interesting, although we can't be sure it belongs to your animal. The eggs in it are quite big, suggesting the larvae may hatch out as crawling young slugs, rather than as swimming planktonic larvae, which is the fate of most nudibranch young.. Having said that, I'm afraid I haven't an answer for any of your 3 species! In the past I have put messages such as yours to one side until I can check them out or ask other experts for help. But in this case I think I'll try posting them and see if I anyone recognises them. We are building quite a pile of unidentified Sth African species, which is I guess not surprising, considering the the mix of animals from the tropical Indian Ocean, and the cooler Atlantic, as well as an endemic cool temperate fauna - and so little work being done on the fauna - despite the sterling efforts of Terry Gosliner.
Hopefully in can give us some clues
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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