Chromodoris from Hawaii
December 12, 1999
From: Scott Johnson
Dear Bill,
At Puako on the west coast of the island of Hawaii, I sometimes found this species which is somewhat similar in appearance to the much more common Glossodoris tomsmithi. At Puako, a coral encrusted lava reef abruptly drops from 1-2m at the top to perhaps 8-10m at the bottom. The face of this drop is loaded with caves and overhangs, filled with sponges and corals such as Tubastraea.
I also found this species, but even more rarely, on Oahu's north shore (attached photo). I haven't examined the internal anatomy of this beast, but its overall shape and the size if its gills look to me more like a Chromodoris than a Glossodoris.
Johnson, S., 1999 (Dec 12) Chromodoris from Hawaii. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Scott,
Bill Rudman.