Reticulidia fungia from Vanuatu
November 28, 1999
From: Vinka Stenhouse

Dear Bill,
This one is from, 23m, Espiritu Santo Is., Vanuatu. 1993. It was 4cm long. PHOTO: J.K. Stenhouse.
Yours sincerely,
Vinka Stenhouse.
Dear Vinka,
This is one of the Halgerda - looking phyllidiid species, Reticulidia fungia. Like other phyllidiids, this species and Reticulidia halgerda can be distinguished from species of Halgerda externally by the lack of dorsal gills. Of course if you dissect them, the quite different foregut, which lacks a radula, clearly indicates that they are not normal dorids.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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