Flabellina affinis & eggs from Canary Ids
March 24, 2006
From: Marina Poddubetskaia Ossokine

Dear Bill,
Recently I spent one week diving in Fuerteventura, one of the 7 Canary Islands. The bottom consisted mainly in the sand and even few rocks present here weren't really covered in fixed fauna, or very little. Under the rocks there were some hidden fauna but no sea slugs. In one week I've seen only 2 nudibranch species, both pink Flabellina found together on an hydroid, with eggs. It was quite a disappointing stay for diving but nice for the sun and gold beaches.
Let's me show you one of these Flabellina. Even if it is similar to Flabellina arveloi, it looks exactely like Flabellina affinis from the Mediterranean and the bright pink eggs fit this species too. So, I'm quite confident about this ID. But I'm more puzzled about the second species and I will write you about it in a separate message [#16148 ].
Locality: 'Veril Grande' , Jandia , 26m, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean, 9 March 2006, rocks and sand. Length: animal : 38mm / eggs : 18mm. Photographer: Marina Poddubetskaia Ossokine.
Thank you in advance for your opinion on it.
Best wishes,
Nembro website
Poddubetskaia Ossokine, M., 2006 (Mar 24) Flabellina affinis & eggs from Canary Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/16147
Dear Marina,
These pinky purple Flabellina in the Atlantic [10 species I think] are almost as difficult as the many blue chromodorids. It will be interesting to hear the comments of some local experts.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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