Gymnodoris aurita from Sth Africa
May 10, 2006
From: Colin Ogden

Hi Bill,
Sorry to hear about the disk crash, and thank goodness you have back ups. I'm gald to see you are back on stream. I know you devote a huge amount of your own personal time to the forum, and things like this must cause a huge back log for you. I know that I really appreciate all the assistance you have given to me on learning a little about this group of wonderful underwater creatures. I have tried to find this creature on the forum, but he doesn't appear. This is not a great picture, but I believe it is a Gymnodoris aurita.
Locality: Sodwana Bay, 22 metres, South Africa, Indian, 1 july 2005, Coral reef. Length: 40mm. Photographer: Colin Ogden.
Ogden C. M., 2006 (May 10) Gymnodoris aurita from Sth Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Colin,
Sorry but your message got caught up in the aftermath of the 'great disk crash' - forgotten but not lost - you might say. Things sometimes move fast on the Forum and while your message has been in limbo I have made a Fact Sheet for this species and posted a few interesting observations about it. This record of yours from South Africa complements a find I made in Tanzania in the 1970s and confirms that its distribution extends into the western Indian Ocean.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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