Re: About Favorinus mirabilis
December 5, 1999
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
In response to Francisco's question, here are some photos. Although they don't quite match the color of Baba's original description, I've been calling these three animals (E215) Favorinus mirabilis here in the Marshall Islands. If these are indeed all the same species, it is obvious that there is some color variation. They are small, usually less than 10mm in length. Unfortunately, I don't have anything closer of the rhinophores, but they do appear heavily perfoliate.
Dear Scott,
Thanks again for filling the gap! If you ignore the colour of the digestive gland contents in the cerata, which I guess is dependent on the colour of the eggs they have been feeding on, your three animals seem to be fairly consistent in colour except for the white rhinophore clubs in the white animal. They all have white speckling on the ceratal wall, a red or purple spot below the ceratal tip, and a orange or yellow longitudinal band down the midline of the head and the body.
They certainly look like Rie's photo from Japan, and pretty much confirm that it is Favorinus mirabilis.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Dec 5). Comment on Re: About Favorinus mirabilis by Scott Johnson. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
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Re: Favorinus mirabilis from Red Sea
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About Favorinus mirabilis
From: Francisco J. GarcĂa, December 3, 1999 -
Favorinus from Japan
From: Rie Nakano, November 25, 1999