Aplysia morio seen in Bermuda
May 22, 2006
From: Thaddeus Murdoch

I photographed and videotaped a large (~35 cm) Aplysia morio at the "Snakepit" MPA located on the northern lagoon rim of the Bermuda platform yesterday.
The aquarists at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo say that we often get many this time of year, both offshore and in inshore bays, frequently under bridges. Apparently the local common name is the "Undertaker".
Locality: Island, 25 ft, Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean, 16 May 2006, Sandy area near backreef. Length: 35 cm. Photographer: Thaddeus Murdoch.
Thaddeus Murdoch
Murdoch, T.J.T., 2006 (May 22) Aplysia morio seen in Bermuda. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/16641
Dear Thad,
Thanks for a photo from Bermuda. All the records we have at present are from Florida. 'The Undertaker' is a colourful common name - I wonder if there is an interesting story attached to it or whether it is because of its blackish coloration.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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