Re: Okenia cupella? from French Mediterranean
June 14, 2006
From: Marina P. Ossokine

Concerning message #16803:
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your opinion on this specimen.
In fact, all these photos are of one same animal. It has very few lateral papillae. And here are the best photos of these papillae I have.
Poddubetskaia Ossokine, M., 2006 (Jun 14) Re: Okenia cupella? from French Mediterranean. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Marina,
These photos confirm in my mind that this is Okenia impexa rather than O. culpella. They also illustrate how 'less than perfect' photos often contain very useful information. There is at least one lateral papilla which shows the fairly characteristic shape of this species. I thought I could see a yellowish tinge in parts of your earlier photos and in your new photos, patches of creamy yellow are quite evident on the gills and partsof the mantle. Both Marcus (1957) and Schmekel (1979) mention a yellowish coloration. Schmekel's black & white photos of a Mediterranean animal, look very similar to your photo in general shape and arrangement of the brown patching.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Okenia cupella? from French Mediterranean
From: Marina P. Ossokine, June 10, 2006