Ceratosoma ingozi from South Africa
July 1, 2006
From: Georgina Jones

Hi, Georgina here.
I'm busy working on a layman's fieldguide to the nudibranchs of the Cape Peninsula and wondered if you would be interested in a photo of what I believe is the egg ribbon of Ceratosoma ingozi?
Locality: Partridge Point,, Cape Town, 18 m, Western Cape, South Africa, False Bay, June 2005, rocky reef. Length: 100 mm. Photographer: Sharon Albert.
Best wishes

Dear Georgina,
Thanks for the photos. I would be interested to know why your think these are the egg ribbons of C. ingozi. We can only be sure if we catch one laying its eggs, but you seem to have a couple of different egg ribbons here, were they bot associated with specimens of this Ceratosoma? Also could you check if you reversed one of the photos when you scanned it? They seem to be spiralling in different directions.
One other interesting point I noticed in your photos are the arrangement of the mantle glands in this species. Although there seems to be more of them around the posterior mantle edge they are present all around the mantle edge, as described by Terry Gosliner, which is most unusual in this genus.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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