Okenia echinata ? from Sth Korea
July 6, 2006
From: Dong Bum Koh

Dear Bill,
All of these photos look like the same species which I identified as Okenia echinata in Sea Slugs of Korea p66. But the animal in the book had a distinct yellowish background colour'
I'm not sure, could you help me with these ID?
Upper: 9 May 2006 -10 m. Yeo Soo city. Jeon Nam Prov., South Sea, Korea. Photo: Ok Soo Kim. Middle, Lower photos: 26-27 June - 13-15 m, Yeong Duk, Kyung Book Prov. East Sea, Korea. Photo: Gwang Bouk Kim. Length: Approx. 10 mm. in all cases.
Best regards,
Dong Bum Koh
Koh, D.B., 2006 (Jul 6) Okenia echinata ? from Sth Korea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/17046
Dear Koh,
Althpough I think this species is the same as the one in your book, I suspect it is not Okenia echinata. The papillae seem to be far more numerous both along the sides of the mantle, and on the dorsum. The only way to be sure would be to look at the anatomy of some specimens.
Most species of Okenia feed on bryozoans, so I guess the animal in the upper photo is on its food. I am not sure if the dark reddish brown object the lower animals are on is a bryozoan as well. Perhaps yu could ask Gwang Bouk Kim if he has a photo showing the background in more detail. Okenia opuntia (Baba, 1960) is the only other possible identification, but I don't have Baba's paper at hand so will have to wait until I have a chance to check it out.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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