Dendrodoris grandiflora from southern Portugal
July 13, 2006
From: Carlos M. L. Afonso

Hello Bill,
Here are images of two different color variations of Dendrodoris grandiflora Rapp, 1827 collected under the same rock, in southern Portugal.
Locality: Between Albufeira and Armação de Pêra, 21-22 meters, Algarve, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean, 22 June 2006, Scuba diving. Length: more then 40mm. Photographer: Carlos M. L. Afonso (Lab. photo).
Best regards,
Carlos Manuel Lourenço Afonso
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro,
Algarve, Portugal
Afonso C. M. L., 2006 (Jul 13) Dendrodoris grandiflora from southern Portugal. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Carlos,
Thanks for these photos. The reddish one is certainly a colour variation we haven't had on the Forum before. It seems the best way to distinguish this species externally, is to look for the pattern of branching lines, almost like the veins of a leaf, which run across the mantle skirt.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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