Unknown Flabellina from the Red Sea
July 21, 2006
From: Oren Lederman

Hi Bill,
Here's an unknown Flabellina I found last week. Binyamin Koretz suggested that it looks similiar to Flabellina bicolor.
Locality: Eilat, ~28 meters, Israel, Red Sea, 11 July 2006. Length: 1-1.5 cm. Photographer: Oren Lederman.
Oren Lederman

Dear Oren,
It certainly looks similar to F. bicolor in general shape and colour but there are a number of distinct differences. In shape, this animal has smooth rhinophores rather than the big lamellate club found in F. bicolor. It has a subterminal yellow band on the cerata, like F. bicolor, but I have never seen that species with a two median yellow spots, each surrounded by opaque white, as this one does, one in front of the rhinophores and one just behind.
I think this is an unnamed species. If so these two characters are probably characteristic.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Related messages
Re: Unknown Flabellina from the Red Sea
From: Binyamin Koretz, July 26, 2006