Philinopsis speciosa from Maui, Hawaii
July 27, 2006
From: Jim Spears

Please ID the specimen in the attached photo.
There were approximately 10 to 12 of these animals in a small area of a sandy bottom. Some had the yellow coloring with blue edging and some had only the blue edging.
Locality: Wailea, Maui, 50, Hawaii, Pacific, 19 July 2006, sandy bottom. Length: 1 to 1 and 1/2 inches. Photographer: Jim Spears.
Thank you.
Spears, J., 2006 (Jul 27) Philinopsis speciosa from Maui, Hawaii. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Jim,
This is Philinopsis speciosa. As you will see from the earlier messages, this species is quite varaible in colour, so it is good to get a photo showing another colour variation
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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