Hypselodoris from New Caledonia
August 30, 2006
From: Jean-François Hervé

Dear Dr Rudman,
Thank you for your fast answer #17400.
I found this very pretty nudibranch for the first time, last month. It was probably feeding on the purple sponge. 10 m depth.
Locality: Noumea, 10 m, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean, July 2006. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: Jean-François Hervé.
I'm having difficulty with his id. Please, can you help me?
Thank You very much.
Jean-François Hervé

Dear Jean-François,
Thanks for this interesting observation. Firstly, I am pretty sure this is an unnamed species of Hypselodoris. I don't recognise and I have been through all of Jean Risbec's descriptions and illustrations of New Caledonian nudibranchs and can't find anything even slightly similar. I'll call it Hypselodoris sp. 9 on the Forum
The other point of interest is the purple sponge you found it on. It is a dysideid, almost certainly a species of Euryspongia. It's not often that we have an instant start on the biology of a new species. I am also pretty sure that the orange mass in the top right corner of your photo is a species of Rostanga. Have you any other photos of it please?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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