Thuridilla hopei from Turkey
September 4, 2006
From: Kerim Sabuncuoglu

I took this photo in Bodrum - Turkey at a depth of 15 m. The slug is 0.5 cm long. This is not a common slug to our waters so I wonder if it is a new spicies.
Locality: Bodrum , 15 m, Turkey, Aegean Sea, 9 aug. 2006, Rocks. Length: 5 mm. Photographer: Kerim Sabuncuoglu.
Unfortunately I did not have my master camera and housing so this one was taken with a point and shoot digital camera.
Best Regards
Kerim Sabuncuoglu
Sabuncuoglu, K., 2006 (Sep 4) Thuridilla hopei from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kerim,
This colourful elysiid sacoglossan, Thuridilla hopei, is very variable in colour. By chance, the last message we received on this species, from Vasilis Athanasopoulos, was of a similarly coloured animal from Greece [#15307]. Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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