Facelina rubrovittata from Spain
January 24, 2000
From: Miquel Pontes

We would like to know the etymology (origin of the name) of Facelina rubrovittata. We found this nudibranch in June 1998 in Cala Llevadó (Costa Brava, Spain) on a rocky bottom at 10 meters below the surface.
Miquel Pontes
Pontes, M., 2000 (Jan 24) Facelina rubrovittata from Spain. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1774Dear Miquel,
It's helpful when authors give the origins of their names but in earlier times they seldom did. Some are based on simple Ancient Greek and Latin adjectives and are fairly easy to work out, others more difficult.
"rubro" = red and "vittata" = streaked, refers to the 5 rows of broken red lines this species usually has.
Other common adjectives often found in names are:
maculata = with irregular spots, blotches
punctata = spotted
lineata = with lines
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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