Elysia from nthn New South Wales
November 8, 2006
From: Roxanne Fea.

Dear Bill,
We also found this species in Hugo's Trench at Julian Rocks last week and are unable to ID it. Do you have any suggestions?
Locality: Hugo's Trench, Julian Rocks, 10m, nthn New South Wales, Asutralia, Tasman Sea, 22 August 2006, Sheer walls. Length: 20 mm. Photographer: Roxanne Fea.
Looking forward to your response;
Roxanne Fea & Jason Coombs
Dear Roxanne & Jason,
This is a pretty distinctive looking species of Elysia. It almost looks as though it may be related to the species of Pattyclaya, such as P. brycei, which have evolved lateral flaps across the inside of the parapodia. I don't recognise the species, but someone may be able to suggest a name
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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