Mystery from southern Queensland
November 21, 2006
From: Bruce Wilkie

Hi Bill,
I took these photo`s twelve months ago and I am was not sure if the object on the sponge is a nudibranch or not. I have been back to the same sponge many times hoping to find it again, but with no success.
Locality: Flat Rock North Stradbroke Island, 14 metres, Queensland Australia, Pacific ocean, 20 november 2005, rocky reef with sponges, hard & soft corals . Photographer: Bruce Wilkie.
A friend of mine thinks it is a nudibranch, but I have not been able to id it. Can you help?
Many thanks,
Bruce Wilkie.
Wilkie, B., 2006 (Nov 21) Mystery from southern Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
Sorry I can't help. It certainly doesn't look like any nudibranch I know. I am not even sure what it is. It could be a flattened holothurian, or possibly a flatworm but without a better idea of its anatomy I can't be sure. I know its not always possible, but if I see a mysterious animal I give it a gentle prod and if possible turn it over. Only by doing that can you find the clues which will hopefully give you an idea of what phylum your mystery belongs to. Although many animals can disguise themselves from above, its not often that they can completely hide their tube feet, or parapodia, or foot or whatever it is that tells us what they are
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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