Chromodoris daphne feeding
November 27, 2006
From: Leanne & David Atkinson

Concerning message #18378:
Hi Bill,
We came across this Chromodoris daphne we think was feeding and thought it might be of interest.
Locality: Little Beach, Fly Point Marine Reserve Port Stephens, 8 metres, NSW Australia, Pacific, 12th November 2006, Sandy bottom scattered sponges, kelp, ascidians soft corals and gorgonias. Length: 40 mm. Photographer: Leanne & David Atkinson.
The upper shot shows the sponge, the damage where feeding has occurred and a mucus trail to the Chromodoris daphne. The lower shot quite clearly shows the mouth everted.Water temperature was 19 degrees celcius.There didn't seem to be any other messages or information about its food on the site.
Leanne & David Atkinson

Dear Leanne & David,
This is a very valuable addition to our knowledge. I have added a couple of closeups to show the damage and sponge structure in more detail. The sponge is a darwinellid, and I suspect a species of Chelonaplysilla but will need to check with Prof. Bergquist. Your mention about no feeding information on the site for this species surprised me as I thought I had photos of it on a discarded beer bottle which was covered in the purple sponge Chelonaplysilla violacea. On checking I have only a very cursory reference on the Fact Sheet so I have prepared a fuller message to accompany your record.
It's very good to have some confirmatory observations - and interesting from the sponge point of view as well because we still have a lot to learn about how many species of Chelonaplysilla there are.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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