Ercolania boodleae? from Japan
February 14, 2000
From: Yasuhiro Shirai

Dear Bill,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I found this opisthobranch at Shima.
This opisthobranch crawled on rock with algae. Could you please identify this animal for me.
Location: Shima Pref. Mie Japan (Kii Peninsula east coast)
Length: 6mm
Water temperature: 13C
Date Jan. 2000
Depth: 3m
Crawling on rock
Best regards,
Yasuhiro Shirai
Shirai, Y., 2000 (Feb 14) Ercolania boodleae? from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Yasuhiro,
I think this animal is Ercolania boodleae but it would help to know something about the colour of the tips of the branchial papillae [cerata]. Are they reddish brown? It is not possible to see in your photo.
Many of these 'aeolid-like' sacoglossans are commonly found in the intertidal region, often quite high on the shore.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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