Phyllidiella rosans mating from Reunion Island
December 7, 2006
From: Sandrine and Hugues Flodrops

Dear Bill,
These mating Phyllidiella rosans are the same size but a little different in arrangement of the ridges. It's a new observation of a phyllidiid mating. Why are such sightings very rare?
Locality: Canyon, Saint-Gilles, 17 metres, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, 28 november 2006. Length: 35 mm. Photographer: Hugues Flodrops.
Best regards.
Sandrine & Hugues Flodrops
Flodrops, S.H., 2006 (Dec 7) Phyllidiella rosans mating from Reunion Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Sandrine et Hugues,
I am not sure why mating observations seem to be rare for these relatively abundant animals. I assume its something to do with our observations rather than actual mating frequency because reproduction does not seem to be a problem.
One very interesting thing in your photos is the big chunk which has apparently been eaten out of the yellow sponge. It certainly looks to me as thought it has been bitten out. This is a nice confirmation of Marina Poddubetskaia's observations [message #8394] of this species eating what looks to be the same yellow sponge.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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