Hypselodoris? from Oman.
December 19, 2006
From: Jasper Lansink

Hallo Bill,
I was unable to determine the species of this nudibranch. I found it in Oman. Can you help me?
Locality: Muscat - Bandar Khairan, 12 meters, Oman, Gulf of Oman, 22 september 2006, Coral, Sea, No currents. Length: 3 cm. Photographer: Karin Stuut.
Lansink, Jasper, 2006 (Dec 19) Hypselodoris? from Oman. . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/18984
Dear Jasper,
This is an interesting find. I suspect it is an unnamed species, probably a species of Hypselodoris. If you look at the closeup alongside you can see large mantle glands around the posterior end of the mantle edge, which is a characteristic of this groups of the chromodorids. It has similarities in colour to H. dollfusi which is also found in this northern part of the Indian Ocean, and also to Ceratosoma ingozi from the SW Indian Ocean but I don't think it either of those species. I will call it Hypselodoris sp. 10 for the time being.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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