Thorunna florens from Noumea?
September 7, 2007
From: Yves Gillet

Dear Dr Rudman,
I found this pretty dorid at a depth of ten metres, on soft bottom, near Nouméa, the 28 of november. It measures about 10 millimeters. Maybe it's a Hypselodoris (or a juvenile?) but I can't identify it.
Locality: Nouméa, 10 metres, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean, 28 november 2006. Length: 10 mm. Photographer: Yves GILLET.
Thank you for your help.
Yves Gillet.
Gillet, Y., 2007 (Sep 7) Thorunna florens from Noumea?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Yves,
I am pretty sure this is Thorunna florens, which is quite variable in colour. Have a look a Bob Bolland's message [#1412] of a quite similar animal from Okinawa.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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