First sea slug from the Galathea 3 Expedition
December 21, 2006
From: Kathe R. Jensen

Dear Bill,
I am presently on board the Danish naval vessel "Vædderen" (The Ram), which has been fitted as a research vessel hosting the Galathea 3 Expedition. We are a group of 16 people from the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen participating in the "leg" from Sydney to Gizo in the Solomon Islands. I was a little worried that maybe I wouldn't be able to earn my keep on this part of the expedition, but in the very first sample we took, I found this nudibranch, which I have tentatively identified as Dendrodoris elongata. It was collected in a triangular dredge from coral sand at about 60m's depth. It is very difficult to take pictures of small animals on a moving ship, but I hope that you can confirm (or change) my ID.
Locality: Off North Cay (southern end of the Great Barrier Reef), approx. 60 m, Australia, Coral Sea, 17 December 2006, dredged with triangular dredge. Length: 25-30 mm. Photographer: Kathe Jensen.
Best wishes,
Dear Kathe,
I am happy to confirm your identification. IN your photo showing the underside of the head [lower left] you can see the 'headless' appearance at the front of the body between the foot and the mantle, where there is no 'snout' and no obvious head tentacles. I wish you luck on the expedition and hope it makes as many interesting discoveries as the famous first Galathea expedition
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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