Egg ribbon of Chromodoris striatella
January 29, 2007
From: Bill Rudman

I note I have not actually recorded my observations on the egg ribbon of Chromodoris striatella, mainly because I have no photos of the eggs ribbons to include. Here are two records of C. striatella laying flat egg ribbons as described elsewhere on the Forum. The accompanying photo is of an animal from Darwin, which produced one of the ribbons.
1. Mandorah Jetty, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, on wharf pile on 'darwinellid sponge', 6 m. 45, 58, 58 mm long alive. 26 June 1987. AM C153612 Flattened transparent egg mass - on timber alongside sponge. Photo: Bill Rudman.
2. Angourie, northern New South Wales, New South Wales, in pool on rock platform. 5 November, 1987. Four animals - 21, 27, 30, 31 mm long alive. AM C154586. Laid flat egg mass in dish after collection.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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