Phyllodesmium kabiranum from Lembeh
February 17, 2007
From: Bruce Wight

Dear Bill,
I spent a week in Lembeh in mid November, saw many branchs that were new to me. I have sent photos of three species of Phyllodesmium to the Forum, including this one of Phyllodesmium kabiranum.
Locality: Lembeh Strait, 25-45 Feet, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Celebes Sea, November 2006, Crawling on reef . Length: 1-1 1/2 Inches. Photographer: Bruce Wight.
Bruce Wight
Wight, B.C., 2007 (Feb 17) Phyllodesmium kabiranum from Lembeh . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Bruce,
Thanks for this photo. I am not sure why sometimes the cerata of this species are quite inflated like this so the longitudinal ridges can't be seen. They have a thin branching digestive gland in the cerata so I don't think the swelling is a sign that they are 'full' after a good feed. Perhaps its something to do with how much fluid they have in their body cavity at different times, though why that should alter significantly I have no idea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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