Noumea alboannulata from eastern Australia
June 20, 2007
From: Lynda Clarke

Hi Bill,
Could you please help us to identify this nudibranch, which was photgraphed by my buddy.
Locality: Julian Rocks, 10 to 15 metres, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific, 1st January 2007, rocky reef, t=24degrees. Length: less than 3cms. Photographer: Andrew Green.
Clarke, L., 2007 (Jun 20) Noumea alboannulata from eastern Australia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Lynda,
If you look at the Fact Sheet from the Noumea purpurea colour group you will find quite a few species with similar colour patterns. This one is Noumea alboannulata.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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