Haminoea maugeansis from Victoria
June 14, 2007
From: John Eichler

Dear Bill
I haven't been able to find any information about or images of the southern Australian bubble shell, Haminoea maugeansis on the Forum and I'm sending this image in the hope that it might prompt the preparation of a Fact Sheet. The animal was relatively large - about three times the size of those I've found in the past.
Locality: Ricketts Point, Beaumaris, 0.5 metres, Victoria, Australia, Port Phillip, 08 December 2006, On sea grass - Heterozostera nigricaulis. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: John Eichler.
John Eichler
Thanks John,
This is another gap that needed to be filled. I've include a close-up of the head to show the two little black eyes, and the ear-like flaps on the posterior border of the head shield. In both that photo and the close-up of the colour pattern on the mantle through the transparent shell, you can see mottled black white and diffuse orange patches which are characteristic of this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman