Platydoris ellioti from Lembeh?
June 21, 2007
From: Francis & Pirjo Pellet

Hi Bill,
Attached some shots of a Platydoris from Lembeh Strait.
The second photo was taken in situ; the mantle was totally covered by black sand and you could only see the gills and the rhinophores. We think this could be Platydoris ellioti?
Locality: Teluk Kambahu, 7m, Indonesia, Indo Pacific, 10 october 2005, Sand. Length: 60 mm. Photographer: Francis and Pirjo Pellet.
Please, can you confirm the ID.
Best wishes
Francis & Pirjo
Pellet, F. & P., 2007 (Jun 21) Platydoris ellioti from Lembeh?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Francis & Pirjo,
Yes I would say this is P. ellioti. It looks as though a photo of the underside is going to be almost compulsory for these animals as it seems to be a most useful distinguishing feature. The yellow background colour and dark brown spots on the sides of the foot and the underside of the mantle seem to be a good indicator of this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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