Adalaria proxima egg coils
February 20, 2007
From: Jackie Hildering

The photos are not ideal but thought it might be of interest to have photos of the egg masses that might potentially allow discerning between Adalaria proxima and Onchidoris muricata. There were multiple patches of Adalaria laying eggs at this site. Do they too have an annual lifecycle like Onchidoris?
Locality: Five Fathom Rock, Port Hardy, 55, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Ocean, 18 February 2007, Bouldered bottom . Length: 1.5 cm. Photographer: Glen Miller.
Great thanks for your dedication to this site,
Jackie Hildering
Dear Jackie,
Thanks for the photos. I am surprised we haven't many photos of the egg masses of these two species, which have been the subject of many studies comparing their reproductive strategies, life histories etc. You will find a link to some major references on this work onthe Fact Sheets of both species.
Both have annual life cycles, but Adalaria proxima has lecithotrophic larvae [non-feeding planktonic larvae] while Onchidoris muricata has planktotrophic [feeding planktonic larvae].
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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