Nudibranch from intertidal seaweed
April 9, 2007
From: T. Joan Hales

Dear Bill,
I found this tiny 3 mm nudibranch on seaweed at Cape Paterson, Victoria,Australia, 24 February 2007 which is open to Bass Strait. It was from the low intertidal area. On 26 February 2007, I found another from weed at Harmers Haven, Victoria, Australia, which is about 2 kms west of Cape Paterson. I have never seen them before. The photo is not large due to the size of the animal and the limitations of my camera. I think from your website that it is Aegires exeches.
Locality: Cape Paterson, Low tide level, Victoria, Australia, Bass Strait, 24 February 2007, Rock platform. Length: 3 mm. Photographer: T. Joan Hales.
Hales, T. J., 2007 (Apr 9) Nudibranch from intertidal seaweed. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Joan,
Thanks for this record. As you will see in the messages on the Aegires punctilucens Fact Sheet I am not convinced that A. exeches is a good species. I suspect it is the same as A. punctilucens. If you go to that species, you will find some more records of the species from Australian waters.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman