Thuridilla picta from SE Florida, USA
March 7, 2007
From: Linda Ianniello

Dr. Bill,
We found our first Thuridilla picta in our area yesterday. It was tiny and in a very surgey area, so difficult to photograph. But I was pleased to get a few shots, one of which is attached.
Locality: Deerfield Beach, 9 feet, FL, USA, Atlantic Ocean, 03 March 2007, Ocean beach, sandy rubble. Length: less than half inch. Photographer: Linda Ianniello.
Linda I.
Ianniello, L.M., 2007 (Mar 7) Thuridilla picta from SE Florida, USA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Linda,
Congratulations on a new find. It is always good to find something new now and then. Your animal certainly seems to be a juvenile. In juveniles the head and rhinophores are usually much bigger in proportion to total body size, than they are in adults
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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