Cratena simba from Indonesia
July 6, 2007
From: Danny Van Belle

Hi again,
I'm going through all the pictures as I prepare to update my website and include nudibranch pages. This one looks like Eubranchus sp. ?
Locality: Police pier - Lembeh strait, 5 m, Indonesia, Indian ocean, 03 March 2007, Sandy with coral bommies. Length: 1 cm. Photographer: Danny Van Belle.
Danny Van Belle

Dear Danny,
I have over-enlarged one of your photos alongside to show the thin curved transverse orange lines on the head and down the body which are so characteristic of this species whih Malcolm Edmunds named Cratena simba. I am not quite sure why he called it simba. He did find his specimens in Tanzania, and simba is a Swahili word for lion, but this tiny delicate species in not even a lion amongst the aeolids.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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