Notodoris gardineri from West Papua
May 11, 2007
From: Jim Anderson

Dear Bill,
I know you like images of them doing things so here is a set of Notodoris gardineri.
They were all taken by me during a recent trip to Raja Ampat in West Papua, Indonesia and some details follow
Upper: Depth 15 metres; site Chicken Reef, Kri Island; typical steep coral reef; length 100 mm.
Lower: Depth 20 metres; site Api Box 2, Gam Island; typical steep coral reef; lengths 100 and 100 mm.
Jim Anderson
Scottish Nudibranchs
Anderson, J., 2007 (May 11) Notodoris gardineri from West Papua. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Jim,
I do indeed like photo of them 'doing things' and your set had so much going on that I moved the feeding photo to a separate message [#19898] so I had room to add some close-ups.
It's nice to get a good photo of the yellow egg ribbon, which as we can see in the inset, contains many very small egs indicating that the larvae will spend sometime living and feeding in the plankton. Your lower phot of the mating pair is interesting for the white mess round the animals. As I discuss in your feeding message, this white 'cotton-wool' are masses of calcareous spicules from their sponge food. It suggests that one or both of these animals had a prenuptial feast
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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