Embletonia pulchra - first record in the Subarctic
May 24, 2007
From: Alexander Martynov
Dear Bill,
I have sent you some information for a Fact Sheet onEmbletonia pulchra to accompany this record from the subarctic.
This is the first record for northern seas of Russia and for the Subarctic. From Northern Norway this species was never reported (Evertsen, Bakken, 2005). A single specimen (7.5 mm length, mature) was found in August of 2005 in middle intertidal of Yarnyshnaya Inlet, Barents Sea on coarse shelly gravel. There is only one record of the late 19th century (Perejaslavtseva, 1891) from Russia, from Sevastopol area, Black Sea, which then was cited in some monographs [e.g. Milashevitch, 1916; Golikov, Starobogatov, 1972] without findings of any additional specimens.
Locality: A single specimen (7.5 mm length, mature) was found in August of 2005 in middle intertidal of Yarnyshnaya Inlet, Barents Sea on coarse shelly gravel. Photos: Tatiana Korshunova
This species is adapted for dwelling within coarse sand and gravel. The body is very narrow and elongated, but considerably shorter than in the tropical member of the genus, E. gracilis. There are no oral tentacles, instead there are a pair of flattened anterior lobes. The rhinophores are quite short and thin. Up to 10 elongated but somewhat swollen cerata originate from each side of the body. General body colour is yellowish white, with opaque white speckles medially and on the papillae. Colour of the digestive gland diverticulum in the papillae are reported to be from pale yellow to red. The Barents Sea illustrated specimen had yellowish-light brown digestive gland. Although E. pulchra is usually considered to have rounded tips to the cerata, more detailed study shows slightly bilobed tips (photo) probably previously described as pads containing nematocysts (e.g. Marcus & Marcus, 1958).
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Kind regards,
Alexander Martynov
Zoological Museum of Moscow State University
Martynov, A., 2007 (May 24) Embletonia pulchra - first record in the Subarctic. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/19935![](/images/m19935d.jpg)
Dear Alex,
Thanks for this interesting addition to the Forum. I am always grateful when contributors provide Fact Sheet material - it saves me much time
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman