Phyllidia tula? from the Marquesas Ids
March 7, 2000
From: Clay Bryce

Hi Bill,
Here is a phyllidiid I recently collected in the Marquesas Islands.
It matches Brunckhorst's description of Phyllidia tula except that the colouring is a little on the pale side. The foot has a stripe and the oral tube has the 2 longitudinal stripes on the dorsal surface.
Data: Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Is., 25m on rocky slope, 19/10/99
All the best,
Clay Bryce
Dear Clay,
On first view I wouldn't have suggested P. tula. It looks most like Phyllidia madangensis but that species does not have a median dark line on the sole and no markings on the foregut. The next most similar is Phyllidia carlsonhoffi which does have a median line on the sole but has a dark transverse band on the foregut.
Which leaves P. tula. Although 'typical' Phyllidia tula is more tuberculate than the Marquesas' animal, it matches in having both a median dark line on the sole and two dark longitudinal lines on the foregut.
Bill Rudman.
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