Re: Phyllidiella rudmani from Sabah, Malaysia
July 2, 2007
From: Richard Swann

Concerning message #19480:
Hi Bill
Thankyou as always a wonderfully fascinating reply! I will of course pursue some images of the underside to help us with this puzzle and please diving is never a pain.
I did actually post a message on the 10th June thinking they maybe P. granulata and this also has one shot with a better look at the orange sponge.
My own modest Seaslug field guide is well under way should anyone wish to visit, we focus on Sabah North Borneo (our home)
Thanks for all your time
Best Regards
Swann, R., 2007 (Jul 2) Re: Phyllidiella rudmani from Sabah, Malaysia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Richard,
I amalgamated your two messages so here is the photo I left out. It wasn't the diving I thought might be a pain it was my suggestion that you take photos of their undersides.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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