Halgerda carlsoni from East Africa
March 5, 2000
From: Bernard Picton

Dear Bill,
Here is another Halgerda. It is a picture of H. carlsoni from Pemba Is., Tanzania in February 1999, with a close-up of the speckled orange pattern of spots.
Best wishes,
Picton, B., 2000 (Mar 5) Halgerda carlsoni from East Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2015Thanks Bernard,
I had previously thought of this species as a Western Pacific animal. I am not sure how important the colour of the gills and rhinophores are in this species but in western Pacific H. carlsoni the gills and rhinophores are white with small black spots and some traces of a line along the gill rachis. In your animal there seems to be a black line up the posterior side of the rhinophore stalk and black bands up each side of the club. The gills have no spots but a heavy black line along the rachis. Whether these differences are important or not will obviously need some more information on colour variation in the species and anatomical infomation.
A species identified in Sea Slugs of Western Australia [Fig 129] as Halgerda cf. carlsoni [and elevated to Halgerda carlsoni in Debelius's book], differs in having no fine orange spots and having a black rhinophore club and black-lined gills.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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