Cadlinella ornatissima from the Red Sea
September 8, 2007
From: Shahar Patury

Concerning message #3326:
Hi Bill,
Matan Ninio has asked me to sent you the following pictures due to the fact he believes that this will be the first time of that slug been documented in the Red Sea (Eilat)
I will try to give as much details as I can remember
Locality: North Reservation, Eilat , ~30 metres, Israel, Red Sea, 20 July 2007, North to the Yatush, about 50 metres. Length: ~15mm. Photographer: Shahar Patury.
Shahar Patury

Dear Shahar,
Thanks for these great photos. I certainly don't know of a Red Sea record, so this is a useful addition to its known distribution. Your photos also show the unique arrangement of mantle glands found in Cadlinella. Mantle glands [sometimes called mantle dermal formations] are storage places for anti-feedant molecules which the slugs ingest from their food sponges. In your photos you can see a row of large white glands running in a line around the mantle some distance in from the mantle edge. Outside them are clusters of smaller whitish spheres. Usually there is a row of large clusters of these spheres and then right at the mantle edge a row of small clusters or single spheres. It would be interesting to know if these two types of glands store different secondary metabolites from their sponge food.
Most chromodorids have only one gland type, but species of the more 'primitive' genera, Cadlina and Cadlinella, can have two different types.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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