Chromodoris from the Marquesas Ids

March 9, 2000
From: Clay Bryce

Hi Bill,

Here is another chromodorid from the Marquesas.

Chromodoris? sp. - I can find no reference to this animal. The spots appear to form 2 incomplete rings.

Data: 1cm long, Ua Poa, Marquesas Is, 12 m on
sand and rubble bottom. 26/10/99 Photo: J. Hoover

All the best,
Clay Bryce

Bryce, C., 2000 (Mar 9) Chromodoris from the Marquesas Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Clay,
The only black-spotted chromodorid species which looks like this is Chromdoris orientalis Rudman, 1983 from Japan and China. That species has a broken orange line around the ede of the foot and scattered black spots on the foot and sides of the body. In C. orientalis the simple white gills are edged with orange.

I can't see the colour of the foot in your animal, and its a bit hard to know if the orange of the gills in a larger animal would form a more distinct edge. I realise it is along way from the northwestern Pacific, with no records along the way, but I think you will need to compare the anatomy.
Bill Rudman.

Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Mar 9). Comment on Chromodoris from the Marquesas Ids by Clay Bryce. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from