Flabellina verrucosa in West Puget Sound
September 15, 2007
From: Dave Washburn

I'm reasonably sure these are Flabellina verrucosa, but would appreciate confirmation. They are fairly profuse at Harper's Ferry, a popular dive site on the west side of Puget Sound near Port Orchard. Most are an inch long at most, so getting a good macro photo is a good challenge. The photos are of two different ones that we found on successive dives at this site.
Locality: Harper's Ferry, 20 feet, Washington, USA, Puget Sound, 05 September 2007, Old auto ferry dock, gravel and lots of seaweed. Length: 1 inch. Photographer: Dave Washburn.
Dave Washburn
Washburn, D.L., 2007 (Sep 15) Flabellina verrucosa in West Puget Sound. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/20690
Dear Dave,
The relatively short spindle-shaped cerata, and their arrangement into 'clumps' seems to be characteristic of Flabellina verrucosa.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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