Janolus sp from Lambeh, Indonesia
October 7, 2008
From: François Zylberman

Dear Bill,
Could you help me to identify this nudibranch?
It is interesting to see how it lays its eggs directly on the sand.
Locality: Lambeh strait, 15 m, Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Indopacific, april 2006, muck dive. Length: 70 mm. Photographer: François Zylberman.
Many thanks.
François Zylberman
Zylberman, F., 2008 (Oct 7) Janolus sp from Lambeh, Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/20873Dear François,
This is an unnamed species of Janolus I am calling Janolus sp. 4 on the Forum.It is certainly strange seeing it laying its eggs like this on a loose
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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