Hypselodoris bullocki from the Marshall Ids
March 16, 2000
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Enjoyed seeing the selection of color forms of Hypselodoris bullocki on the Forum. If they are indeed all one species, it certainly is a variable one!
Do you know if the color forms overlap geographically? I have personal experience with only two color forms, the attached from the Marshalls Islands and a second group from the Solomon Islands. Although uncommon in the Marshalls, all specimens are pale pink to white. Occasionally large specimens such as
E143-1 (UPPER RIGHT)(about 30mm) have an edging of purple around the anterior margin and on the tip of the tail. Primary food source seems to be the pink sponge that E143-3 (LOWER RIGHT) is nestled into, possibly what gives the nudibranch its pink coloration.
In the Solomons, [see separate message] the species is much more common and often larger than the largest from the Marshalls.
Johnson, S., 2000 (Mar 16) Hypselodoris bullocki from the Marshall Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2091Dear Scott,
Concerning regional colour forms, the pink form with a pale or white border is the common Great Barrier Reef form and around the North West coast of Australia there seems to be a purple-edged form but more information from others would certainly be interesting.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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